Grandma, Grandpa, Andi, Piper and Tanner down on the beach below our condo

Well, tomorrow morning life is going to change dramatically. Again.  Cari goes back to school, and I go back to work.

For Cari, it’s been a fantastic, relaxing, rejuvenating and much needed three week break. For me, it’s been a… (searching for just the right words…) a … an unexpected  but inspired four month weekend.

Just today I got word that tomorrow I will start a short-term contract for a company in Minneapolis to code a new web-based application for them. It’s not a long term gig, but it’s work. And I’m grateful.  On one hand I never thought it would take this long to find a company that would let me work entirely from a remote location, but on the other hand, not working the first semester of Cari’s schooling is exactly what our family needed while we all settled in to this strange new land.

But more on this later.  Right now I want to focus on my Mom & Dad’s visit and on Cari’s break. Happily, my parents were able to arrange there visit to coincide with Cari’s freedom so we could all spend time together.  And we had so much fun!  I’m not even sure where to begin, so, let’s start with Cari’s birthday.


Carina’s 35th Birthday:

Cari's amazing birthday cake, a creation and work of love by Andi


Happy 35th!

My parents arrived just in time to help us celebrate Cari’s birthday on the 22nd of April. Her birthday gifts included things like a stethoscope and an otoscope, and of course, this amazing peanut butter chocolate cake that Andi made.


My Dad, Exploring the Local Flora and Fauna

My dad and his morning jog findings

The next morning my dad, the agronomist, got up early and went for a jog, and he came back carrying some “exciting” things he had found along the way, including a plant he had researched for his PhD but had never actually seen growing in the wild until he came to St. Martin,  (I can’t remember the name of the plant), some wild grapes, and a bird’s nest that had fallen to the ground.  If you know my dad, you’ll understand that this exactly the kind of thing you would expect him to do, and his findings made us all chuckle.



Maho Beach

My parents had heard and read about Maho Beach, where the planes fly in just over your head and land only a few feet away. And Cari hadn’t been there yet either. It’s kind of a one-time beach because it’s small, always crowded, and of course, noisy. But it’s also fun to go there with people who haven’t been before, so we happily packed up the beach gear and headed to Maho.

Here’s a short video clip of a mongo 747 that nearly scraped our heads just before it landed.

(in case this video doesn’t show in your browser, here’s a link.)

Cari protecting Andi from the noise of a landing jumbo jet


This is how Piper often looks on the way home from the beach



Grand Case

My mom had been intrigued by the sounds of the little French village of Grand Case from earlier blog posts, and she requested that we spend an evening there visiting the shops and eating in one of the resturants. We were more then happy to oblige.

My Mom, wife and daughter chowing on BBQ ribs and chicken

Andi, Michelle, Piper, Carina and my Mom enjoying an evening in Grand Case

One of the several art galleries in Grand Case

A cute little shopping alley in Grand Case

Your's truly waiting patiently outside while the females shop


Marigot Market:

Tangua Nuts that have been carved into cute little statues

No trip to St. Martin is complete without a trip to the outdoor market in Marigot.  Many of the vendors sell useless tourist trinkets and trash, but a select few sell things that are really, really cool.  For example: Tagua nuts.


Yeah. Tagua nuts.

These nuts come from the Phytelephas tree, a type of palm tree.  When you dry the nuts in the sun they turn hard as rock, look like ivory, and can be carved into all manor of fun little creatures or figurines.

This vendor had an impressive spread of tagua nut carvings plus other jewelry made from the pink of conch shells and the blue of Larimar, a gemstone found only in the Caribbean

A local street vendor chops open a coconut for us

It was a hot and humid day, and the market offered little protection from the heavy Caribbean sun.  After shopping for a bit, my parents treated us to a fresh coconut and we all took turns sipping it’s milk.

Goofball girls sipping fresh coconut milk


A Quick Tour of The American University of the Caribbean:

Of course my parents wanted to see where Cari goes to school, so we walked up to school and took a quick tour.

My mom and Carina visiting in the rotunda next to a stack of books awaiting the next round of incoming first semesters

the front steps of AUC


Evening Sunset on Cupecoy Beach

The evening before my parents flew back home, we all went down to the beach, kicked off our shoes, and waded in the surf as the sun went down.






Having my mom and dad come visit us was a treat that is hard to put into words.  We had such a fun time and enjoyed their company tremendously, and I’m profoundly grateful that they took time from their busy schedule to come and see us.

One of the interesting side effects of their visit which I had not anticipated was that as we showed them around the island, I found myself seeing it through their eyes and experiencing it as if for the first time.  I was surprised how after only four months here, we are are already getting “used” to it, which is both good and bad.  It’s good because we are no longer in shock at how different things are, but bad because we are no longer seeing the island with fresh eyes or being in awe at all that it has to offer.

My dad kept saying, “You guys sure are having an amazing adventure down here.”

And you know what?  He’s absolutly right.


Orient Beach

After  Cari had fully recovered from her Maho Beach trip sun burn, we waited until the heat and sun of mid-day was mostly over, and then made the long drive up to Orient Beach.

This beach is something else.  It’s everything you would imagine from a busy, beautiful world class tourist beach, and it’s one of the best places on the island to people watch. The energy of this beach is palpable, and it’s a fun place to hang out and watch people walking up and down the miles of white sand and crystal clear water.

a tangle of girls









Tanner’s hair: Sun kissed, often full of sand, and LONG.  Despite our best efforts to pursued him to get it cut, he refuses.    Three of his island friends have really, really long hair (thank you Dill, Ro and Jake) and he seems to think he’s going to look good in long hair too.  (sigh).  Once upon a time I would have forced the issue, but this is not a battle I feel like fighting.  So, his hair gets even longer.







Pick Paradis Hike:

Pic Paradis is the highest point on the island, and there are two ways you can get to it: 1) Drive, or 2) Hike.  Andi and I had already done the drive, but we wanted to do the hike as a family.  Well, ok, minus Piper who is not old enough for such an arduous adventure.  So Michelle graciously offered to stay home with The Pipster while Mom, Andi, Tanner and myself went on the hike.

It was fun, but it was also a lot hard work.  And it was hot.

Really hot.

Down at the trailhead where we were still smiling and not yet overcome with sweat and heat.




A lookout point about half way up.  By this time we were hot and tired and drenched in sweat, and there was some grumblings about turning back.  I bribed the kids to keep going by promising fruit smoothies back at the bottom, but only if they made it to the top.

Remains of the sugar plantation that existed for a brief time back when plantations were the thing.


At one point the canapy over head became so thick that the only way to get a photo was to use the flash.


Stoping for a breather.  I think Tanner is pointing to where he threatened to punch me if we didn’t stop.

Sweet scenery at the top!  Yeah, the view of the island is pretty good too.


Final Thoughts:

It’s now almost 1:00 am, and I’m the only one still awake.  I wanted to get this blog post done before it all slips too far into the background and fades from memory.  Time is moving so fast.  We have already been here four and a half months.  In about nine weeks we’ll fly home for a good chunk of the summer and spend time with beloved family and friends in New Brighton, St. Cloud, and Utah.  When we come back, the kids will start school in a real schools, and I know when that happens time will really begin to fly.

So far our time here has been both hard and fun.  The hardest part for me has been watching my kids be lonely and homesick.  I’m excited for them to be in an actual school next year so they can make lots of new friends and fill their time by spending it with them. But it’s also been hard becuase for much of the time we’ve been here, we have more or less been motherless. Carina is working hard, and when she can, she spends as much time with us as possible.  We’ve had to remind ourselves that we chose this, and even wanted it.  And we know that it won’t last long.  In fact 1/5 of our time here has already flown past us before we even knew what was happening.

Starting tomorrow, Carina will be a second semester medical student.  Sometimes we look at each other and say, “How did this happen?  How did we get here?  We had SUCH a fun, beautiful, peaceful life back in St. Cloud.  Why did we willingly walk away from that?”

But then I remember the words of my mother, who, when I was telling her about how we sometimes wonder why we left such a happy life, said to me, “Your life may have been happy, but where was the growth?  You will all grow so much more by being in a place like this.”

And you know what?  She’s absolutely right.


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    Sadie commented

    I’m at work so I mostly skimmed and looked at pictures, but I LOVE the part about dad’s finds. If I had to describe dad to someone who had never met him, I would use that blurb. This also made me very jealous. I guess we’re going to have to arrange my visit.

    I love that Andi made the cake, I see her pins all the time but I love that she actually makes them!

    Your family all look great, I hope everything is going well!

    May 8, 2012 at 4:18 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Oh Sadie, we would LOVE to have you come and visit us! In fact, you should just come and stay with us. For a few months. Seriously! We are all doing well, and we are looking forward to seeing you in Utah in August. You’ll be around?

      May 8, 2012 at 9:03 pm
    Cheyenne commented

    hey guys – you have no idea how much I miss it down there. So please do not lose sight of the awesome life experience you and your children are getting. The tools and skills you will be providing them with are invaluable. Although you may face challenges at the end of the day the positive list far outweighs the negative. It is tough but that is what makes it so worth it. It has not been an easy transition here at all (well the kids are fine) instead it was a slap in the face of all the crud and unnecesary BS we need to deal with here. I am craving the simple life and am ready for the next step of the adventure and very thankful that we have that to look forward too while we weather this temporary whirl wind of a storm. Miss you all and the island – Happy belated birthday to Cari and enjoy your time.

    May 8, 2012 at 5:01 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Thanks Cheyenne! We miss you guys! Not the same island with out you. Tanner has said several times that he misses your boys. Thanks for the words of encouragement, and you are absolutely right. Long term I’m not worried about Andi and Tanner at all. My worries are just a short term concern. Sorry to hear the return to the US has been hard, and I hope it gets better. Your love for this island is an inspiration and an example for our family. Good luck to Michael on his exams, and I’m excited for your next stage!

      May 8, 2012 at 9:10 pm
    Win commented

    Loved the post – both the writing and the pics! I have been smiling the last few weeks thinking of Carina’s freedom – albeit temporary – and the joy you experienced just being able to be together again.

    Good luck on Carina’s next term, and congrats on the job assignment. Where will the kids go to “real” school next year? How are you enjoying home schooling?

    We are looking forward to seeing you this summer! The kids are so thrilled to know that their friends will be back. You all have an open invitation here, or at the lake.

    You really are having an amazing adventure, and it will be very formative for Andi and Tanner!


    May 9, 2012 at 3:49 am
      ccrookston commented

      thanks Win,

      I just sent you a long email, but the short version is this: we’d like to take you up on your open invitation 🙂


      May 9, 2012 at 4:53 pm
    Karla Krueger commented

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at all of the amazing pictures. It makes me feel like I am riding along on your adventure! It is a real talent to be able to convey all of your experiences in writing. Keep it up!

    May 9, 2012 at 9:19 pm
      ccrookston commented

      hey Karla, great to hear from you! Thanks for the note. How are the Krugers?

      May 9, 2012 at 9:35 pm
    Lily Anderson commented

    I’m glad you guys gotta see your parents/grandparents. I’m so glad the island holds so many fun adventures. 🙂 That hike sounds soo much fun!(I’m talking about the view, not the trip. Ask anyone, I’m the worst hiker known to the Anderson family.) I miss you guys a lot! Can’t wait to see you!!!


    June 18, 2012 at 2:39 am
      ccrookston commented

      Lily! Thanks for the comment. Andi and Tanner are going nuts waiting to go home. Can’t wait to see you guys too 🙂

      June 21, 2012 at 2:17 am

    […] “You guys sure are having an amazing adventure down here” […]

    August 1, 2012 at 3:56 am

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