Halloween on the island isn’t quiet what it is at home, but the American community still makes the most of it

While Tanner and I are keeping busy up in the northern hinterlands of Minnesota, the girls in St. Martin are filling up their days with lots of fun island activities as well.  Andi and Tanner have both had birthdays recently… Tanner turned 12 and Andi turned 14. Michelle recently shared a fun report on her blog, and I thought I’d re-post a condensed edition here as well.  If you’d like to experience the whole report, checkout her blog!

Take it away, Michelle….

“We like to parrty. With two r’s”

Christmas came early this year for the estrogen tank in St. Martin. As I mentioned in my last post, my niece Andi who JUST turned 14 (WOOT WOOT) went home for medical tests and was diagnosed with Probable Lupus. With a brave face and confidence from her doctor, she decided to return to us on the island to continue her school year as normal and get her regular teenage life back. We missed the little nugget, and were so excited to have her back, and just in time for her birthday.

Cari and Piper’s sign for Andi’s homecoming

Sister’s Reunited

Community Volunteering
A couple of times each semester at Cari’s school they have a group called “ICAN” (no idea what it stands for) that organizes volunteer opportunities around the island.   We chose to go to the community center to organize a couple hours of games for some kids who are on a drumline team, and it was SO fun.

When we walked in we heard this man yelling orders at kids (not like in a child abuse kind of way, just in a stern “follow my orders” kind of way) we learned that he was their drum line instructor and that the kids have an awesome talent for drums due to their discipline and many many hours of practice. They were all assembled in rows practicing rhythm with their wooden sticks.

Drum Team Lineup

After their finished rehearsal, the AUC students explained what we’d be playing today. It was a game called Crab Soccer. Which is, as you may have guessed, soccer played like a crab. This means you have to do it in the crab walk position with still no hands like regular soccer. The kids were way excited, they got into groups, thought of names, and started playing different heats against each other.

Cari and her team thinking up a name

Crab Soccer

Goal scored-victory high five

Playgroup at Kid’s World
Piper’s playgroup last week was at this place called Kid’s World, which I didn’t even know existed. We picked Andi up from school, brought her a change of clothes so she wouldn’t have to wear her wretched uniform to Kid’s Place, and head on our way. AUC paid for all of the kids to go in so it was entirely free for us which was awesome. I was so impressed by the place. It had tons of slides, trampolines, little cars to drive on, ball pens, arcade games, giant legos. But the outside was the coolest part, they had pedal go karts.

This was Piper’s boyfriend for the day, a little French boy who was loving Piper. He kept filling her car up with gas and speaking to her in French. Each time he’d fill her car with gas he would say, “She needs to say Merci!” Merci in French means “Thank You”

Birthday Morning
The morning of Andi’s birthday (26th) we all woke up early so we’d have enough time to make Andi’s birthday breakfast and make sure we had enough time for her to open her presents.

Piper is NOT a fan of early mornings

Piper’s present to Andi, a framed picture of them together

Andi with the cupcakes her mom made for her class at school. Apparently it is still cool to bring treats on your birthday.

After school we had a lot of plans. Andi wanted Chinese food for dinner so we got ready to go to a restaurant recommended to us by Pierre.
Old Tree: Great Chinese Food!

Outside of the Chinese restaurant we went to. It looks sketchy, but the food was amazing and the service was awesome and fast. I love shanty looking places, they sometimes happen to be the best food on the island, and sometimes they give you food poisoning and it feels like your stomach mixed pop rocks and soda and you want to die. Luckily, this restaurant did not make us sick, but was just delicious.

My lemon chicken. Yummy.

This is all the food that was left AFTER we were done eating.

Piper’s first egg roll

After dinner there was a Halloween party at Learning Unlimited which is Andi’s school.
Halloween Party at Andi’s School

Piper as Little Red Riding Hood

Trick or Treaters. There were so many kids there that barely came to my knees that were just swarming around us, it was starting to freak me out a little bit, they were coming from everywhere and we had no defense against them.

….aaaand, that would be the principal of Andi’s school. AWESOME

Pipes decorating her cupcake, notice her tongue sticking out while she concentrates. Love it. Mini me,

By the time we got home it was almost midnight and we were pooped and Piper and Andi were all sugared out from the Halloween party so we didn’t even eat her cake yet. The next morning I got up early and Pierre took me to the doctor for my strep. My tonsils keep getting swollen and I have strep and its a serious bummer. After the doctor we came home and Cari was making Andi’s favorite breakfast of orange rolls while Piper and Pierre built block beds for her dolls. It was quite adorable.

To avoid looking at the camera face on, Piper looks up.

Pierre and Piper, chilling

Mormon Talent Show
Our church put on a Talent Show that we went to. It was so funny. Andi had to go a little early to help set up since the Young Women were in charge but then we all came afterwards. We thought it started at 5, but it apparently started at 530 so we were actually on time for something which was a miracle.

Piper, Cari and Yevva danced to “Call me Maybe” Piper was pretty shy so she just buried her face in moms chest the whole time. (Yevva is a voice student of Trisha, and her dad is a studentat AUC)

Robert and Trisha’s opera song was so cute, even if it was in German and we didn’t know the words.  (Robert is a student at AUC and they are both professional opera singers.)

Elizabeth and her daughter doing some hula hoop action.  (Elizabeth, her husband Renaldo, and their two kids are full time island residents.)

Matt & Cecily dancing to PSY Gangnam Style  (Matt is a student and a councilor in the branch presidency.  Cecily has become one of Michelle’s best friends.)

It seems like its been one big party since Andi came back and with her birthday and Halloween going on. I can’t believe October is almost over. It was an awesome week, though. We’re excited for November. We have an awesome boat trip coming up in a couple weeks and Casey and Tanner are coming to the island for Thanksgiving.

A final note from Casey…

Andi’s medical issues continue to be a cause for concern.  Prednisone is a tough drug with unfortunate side affects that are not fun to deal with, especially for a young teenage girl.   Navigating the island’s medical system continues to be a challenge, and Cari, the concerned mother and med student, continues to struggle with Andi’s doctor.  We’re not entirely convinced that her diagnosis is correct, and some recent events seem to support our suspicion.  None the less, we’re taking things one day at a time and doing our best to weigh everything and make the best decisions for her long term health.

I will say this, however… The couple of weeks that Andi was in Minnesota for all her tests were some of the most bonding times that she and I have had together in a long while, and I will always remember and treasure them.

And in the mean time, there have been some changes with my employment situation which will allow me to spend more time on the island.  But more about that in another post!

Thank you again to everyone who has sent their love!  We love you and appreciate you all!

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    R.O. Despain commented

    “there have been some changes with my employment situation which will allow me to spend more time on the island.”

    I’ve been hoping for this for a long time.

    November 13, 2012 at 4:33 pm
      Casey Crookston commented

      Thanks Captain! It makes me smile that you’re thinking about us. How are you?

      November 14, 2012 at 2:01 am

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