Mommy and Piper overlooking the Caribbean Sea from the cliff tops on the grounds of our condo complex.

In an earlier post I described how our arrival at Rainbow Beach, the condo complex where we now live, was anticlimactic and even a little depressing. And it’s true that the path from the front gate to our front door is anything but flattering. Much of it is still under construction, and the rest of it looks like it was abandoned when it was about 90% complete.

Once you get past our front door and into the condo, it’s quite nice. But by bedtime our first night, Tanner had asked us ten times and in ten different ways how soon we would be able to move out of this place and into something nicer.

Then on Sunday we went and checked out the rest of the complex.  I’ll let these pictures do all the talking, but I’ll just add this:  On the way back to our condo after seeing all of this, I asked Tanner if he still wanted to move to another place as soon as we could.

“NO!” was his immediate reply.

Pathway leading to the spiral stairs which lead down to the beach.

View of our beach from the cliff tops. This is a one minute walk from our door.


Andi, Tanner and Michelle playing in the surf

Andi, moments after being toppled by a strong wave

Carina and Piper on the beach. All the new sights and sounds were just a little unnerving, and she never let Mommy get too far away.

More pictures will come soon! We don’t yet have internet at our condo so it’s hard to get online. We’re in a bit of a media blackout, and I have to go to Cari’s school to get wifi. “Thank You!” to everyone who Facebook and emailed us to ask how we’re doing and demand photos. We love you and we miss you. And we are already making new friends here in St. Martin.

Written on January 3rd, 2012 , St. Maarten Beaches

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    Jason B commented

    Casey, you have my cell and home numbers as well as email address. Let us know how best to get ahold you.

    Isn’t the water just absolutely gorgeous? To say nothing of the Beaches? Ahh how I miss you guys and wow the jealously? I was completely unaware of a little green monster lives inside of me! WOW.

    till we meet again,

    January 3, 2012 at 2:41 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Hey Jason, once we get internet the best way to reach us will be by calling our same home phone number: 320-230-7730. For now I have to come to campus to get any connectivity. It’s VOIP so it will work anywhere. Yes! The water is beautiful… almost surreal. Thank you for keeping in touch 🙂

      January 3, 2012 at 10:49 pm
    Lisa Heise commented

    Hi, Crookstons! Beautiful photos! What a wonderful adventure. Every day at dinner we say, “I wonder what Crookstons are doing right now?” Thank you for the updates. We love you guys!
    -The Heises

    January 3, 2012 at 2:57 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Oh wow, you guys need to find something more interesting to chat about over dinner! And it’s ironic, because as I was writing these blog posts I thought about you and said to myself, “I bet Lisa would make this all sound so much more interesting.” Thanks for keeping in touch.

      January 3, 2012 at 10:50 pm
    Alan commented


    I am sorry that we didn’t get a chance to get together before you left. Keep me posted on how things go. Keep Tanner moving forward and we will work the Scouts out. This is my most reliable email – so use it!


    January 3, 2012 at 4:09 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Hey Alan, thanks for the note! As soon as we settle into some sort of routine we will make scouts a priority. I really, really appreciate your willingness to help. I’m sure there will be lots of emails flying back and forth.

      January 3, 2012 at 10:52 pm
    Karen Alger commented

    I love following your journey but felt a little like a fly in the wall by not ever commenting on how much I have enjoyed reading your facebook additions. And of course the pictures show once again the beautiful water and sand beaches that are on my bucket list.
    (for lack of a better description) I guess I will go to Menards this summer, buy some white sand and fill a plastic blue pool with water to create the experience. (slightly)
    Best wishes to you and your family. You will find Al and me at St.Waite Park.

    January 3, 2012 at 4:18 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Karen, you made me smile 🙂 Thanks for the note, and enjoy your beach in St. Waite Park!

      January 3, 2012 at 10:53 pm
    Win commented

    I’m so glad you updated the website. I enjoyed reading all about your adventures! Man, what a ride! The kids will be excited to see all the pictures. It looks like a wonderful place.

    The kids and I were planning to write you a letter, snail mail style, but a quick google search said that there is no home delivery in St. Maarten?! Maybe we’ll stick to email?!

    By the way, it’s cold and mean here today! I’m bundling up to walk the dog now. I’ll think of the Caribbean as I make my way around the neighborhood. By the way, your renters have placed a huge boat in the driveway! Time to make friends, I think.

    January 3, 2012 at 4:27 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Hey Win, great to hear from you! Andi misses Lily and Kaylee so much… it’s been the hardest for her, terribly homesick. Yes, please use email instead of snail mail, so much faster. Andi says Lily has her address? I don’t think Tanner has one, but we can get it set up. Thanks for keeping tabs on the renters 🙂 Let us know how making friends goes.

      January 3, 2012 at 11:07 pm
    Cheyenne commented

    Hey – so glad you are doing well and adjusting. Count yourself super lucky – you have had a smooth transition. Awesome you guys made it down to the beach. Catch up with you soon. Email me if have any questions!!!!
    The boys are anxious to meet you guys!!!!

    January 3, 2012 at 4:38 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Cheyenne, our kids are anxious to meet your boys too! Your family has come up in conversation several times since we’ve arrived. I know you have family visiting so we’ve not wanted to bug you, and the Daniels have been doing a fantastic job of getting us situated. Hopefully we can set up a play date at the beach sometime soon? It would be fun to have Dill and Ro teach Andi and Tanner how to buggy board.

      January 3, 2012 at 10:56 pm
    Dillon commented

    The blog is a great way of keeping tabs on your crew, and I look forward to hearing more in the weeks and months to come. Meanwhile, I hope “the help” is providing you with a willing set of helping hands ;-). Keep on with the on, you’re on the ride of a lifetime!

    January 3, 2012 at 6:40 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Dillon, thank you so much for your note!! We miss you guys. As soon as we have internet we would love to chat on the phone. We’ll call you when we can. Having “The Help” here has been an absolute God-send. Literally. Michelle has helped make the transition go so much easier, especially for Andi who has been profoundly home sick. Thanks for keeping in touch.

      January 3, 2012 at 10:59 pm
    Starr Christie commented

    Thank Goodness for technology. We all are so blessed to be able to follow along in your adventure. Your posts, so far have made me cry and have made me laugh, and sigh with the beauty of your new surroundings. We pray for you each morning: that homesickness will not overwhelm your intentions, and that your love for each other grows strong and remains steadfast on this remarkable journey. You are some amazing people, and we are so glad for your friendship. xoxo, Starr and Lee

    January 3, 2012 at 11:06 pm
      ccrookston commented

      Thank you for this wonderful note, Starr! It made me feel warm and grateful. And yes, technology does make the world seem smaller and less lonely. Thank you for keeping in touch!

      January 3, 2012 at 11:54 pm
    Deb Beckrich commented

    So excited for you guys! When times get tough just remember Heavenly Father made this all work out for you! Not to say there won’t be trials of course that is what keeps us growing spiritually! Man, I wish we had an excuse to be able to go down there for a few months because it looks gorgeous!!! Please give the kids a big “hug” for us!

    Love ya,

    Deb and family

    January 4, 2012 at 12:58 am
      ccrookston commented

      Thanks Deb. Times have already been tough, but from what we are seeing others go through, we have it easy. Homesickness for the kids is the biggest issue, but not the only. So many details to take care of, and getting things done is not like it is in the states where you can make a phone call and it’s done. And everything is *expensive*! We still have no internet, no phone, no car. Life will settle down, but right now it’s stressful. Thanks for the note! And I will give them that hug.

      January 4, 2012 at 5:19 pm

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