Christmas Break, 2012

Having the girls back in Minnesota for a few weeks was a special treat. We spent a lot of time just being with each other and visiting with family and friends.  I’ll let the photos do most of the talking, but first, here’s a quick catch-up:

It’s been one year since we embarked on this adventure.

What a year.

The winding path we’ve been on has led us through experiences we never imagined. Many  have been enjoyable.  Some have been… memorable.  And we’re just getting started.

2013 now stands ahead of us with promises of more untold adventures.  Cari will finish up on the island in August, and at this point we have no idea what our summer will look like, or where we will land in the fall.

When she is done with the core science classes on campus, the next step is to spend two years doing rotations in a hospital, but not until taking and passing the Step 1 exam.  Every med student looks forward to getting out of the classroom into a hospital, and Carina is no different.  But, we are facing some logistics problems: We want the kids in school come September wherever she will end up next, but we won’t know where that will be until at least November, at the earliest.

AUC has relationships with hospitals in New York City, Michigan, Miami and England.  Yep. England.  You can’t (and would not want) to do all of your rotations in England, but you can do the cores there and your electives back in the States.  The attractive thing about England (among other things) is that they will allow you to reserve a spot before taking the Step 1 exam, and none of the other locations will.  For that reason alone, England is looking like a strong possibility because we could be there and have the kids in school before Cari even takes the Step 1 exam… At least, I think we could.  We need to look into that, stat. And by “We”, I actually mean “I”.  Carina is otherwise occupied.

If we go, we would be there for just shy of one year.  Ask the two older kids how they feel about the possibility of moving to England for a year.

Tanner: YES!


In the mean time… Back to the Island for the Boys?

I now have a fantastic job which allows me to work from anywhere.  In fact, I’ve had it since October.  Tanner and I are still in Minnesota because before I secured this job, we enrolled him in school and he has been enjoying it. He did not want to go back to the island with no school and no friends his age.  However, missing his mom and sisters is starting to take a toll on him, and just a few days ago we learned that his friend Jake is back on Saint Martin.  The prospect of having a friend his age and of being with his family has finally tipped the scales for him, and he told me just yesterday he wants to go back.

But, we can’t just pick up and go.  School is an issue.  Learning Unlimited, where Andi is, is full. Caribbean International Academy, the school we tried when we first got there, and the school which Jake is attending, has openings.  But they are expensive.  We need to figure out the finances before we head back.  But we need to hurry, because summer is coming fast, and pretty soon it will hardly be worth it.  Nonetheless, I am excited beyond words about the possibility of going back and spending 4th semester and half of 5th with the girls.

Okay, getting back to Christmas Break…

The following are a collection of photos taken by various people.  When everyone went back home, I sent out a call for photos and I also plundered Facebook albums for some of these as well.  Some were taken by me, most by others.  I’ll stop talking now and let the photos try and share a little of the Family Reunion and Christmas spirit enjoyed by all ten of Cari’s living siblings their spouses, her parents, and the grand-kids.  (I’m pretty sure Cari’s sister Amy was there as well, although we didn’t see her.)

The trip back home

layover nap (but I think she’s faking it)

Souvenirs from the island: Michelle, Grandpa Ron, Grandma JoAnn, cousin Vince, Cari’s sister Hannah, Cari’s brother Tommy

Christmas Eve… showing off our white elephant gifts

Cousins. Much to the dismay of the twins Quinton and Jackson, Piper kept kissing them

Cari’s maternal grandma.  Grandpa died just a few days before Christmas as Cari was taking final exams.  This was a hard time.

All the girls at Grandma’s

I think this is Jackson, but I’m not sure.  That’s his dad Marcus (Cari’s brother) behind him.

Tanner waiting his turn at baseball clinic

Dillon and Amy are raising their son properly

On the right, Cari’s brother Ben, his wife Katie, and their daughter Paige.

Girl day at the salon

Dairy Queen after dinner! Cari’s brother Dillon, Dillon’s wife Amy, Cari, Cari’s brother TJ, Michelle

Nickelodeon Universe at The Mall of America. Quite a contrast from the island.

Michelle and her mom, JoAnn

Tanner and Tommy on a ride which would have made me puke

Piper on her first (and only) ride.  She never opened her eyes until the ride was over.

Our gang

From left to right: Cari’s brother Tommy, Michelle, baby Vince, Cari’s brother Dillon, Grandma JoAnn, Andi, Cari’s sister Hannah, Ben’s wife Katie, Cari’s brother Ben, (two people I don’t know), Carina holding Piper.  As we were sitting here on the bench, Tanner and Dillon’s wife Amy were doing this…

Tanner in the yellow shirt, Amy just ahead of him

That’s Tanner… up top

Creating her custom-made teddy at Build-a-Bear

The spoils

Tired kiddos

Paige (Ben and Katie’s daughter) and Vince (Dillon and Amy’s son)

Enjoying some snow before heading back to the Caribbean

Sledding wasn’t her favorite…

… but throwing snowballs may have been

Here’s to Roads yet Untraveled…

After the tumultuous and adventurous 2012, we’re plowing full force into the new year.  It was fantastic to regroup with family and friends over the break, and I personally am grateful for the time I got to spend with Piper, Andi and Carina.  I wish it could have been longer, but I’ll happily take it.  This has been, and continues to be, a good opportunity to count blessings and be to grateful for them.

One of those blessings is all our family and friends on the island, in the Twin Cities, in St. Cloud, Utah, Morocco, Colorado and scattered around the globe who have been a help this past year.  Thank you!  And we look forward to having you in our lives throughout this upcoming year as well.

2013, bring it on.

Written on January 20th, 2013 , Everything Else

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    R.O. Despain commented

    Things seems to be going well, if hectic.

    January 20, 2013 at 4:03 pm
      Casey Crookston commented

      Thanks Captain, and you summed it up pretty well.

      January 21, 2013 at 7:11 pm

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